From TheKolWiki
Strangle Type: CombatMP Cost: X
Source: | Wearing Mutant Couture |
Price: | N/A |
Class: | N/A |
Level: | N/A |
Effect: | Deals 10-20 damage and restores HP equal to 25% of the damage done. |
When Used: |
You wrap your tentacle around your opponent's neck and begin to feed.
This and subsequent rounds: Your tentacle tightens as it leeches the life force from your opponent, dealing Y damage and rejuvenating you.
- This skill can only be used once per fight.
- This skill is only available against opponents with heads.
- The amount of HP restored is calculated before a monster's physical resistance is factored in.
- Damage will continue each round for the rest of the fight.
- Yuletide Mutations doubles the damage this skill does.
- The MP cost is equal to your level, capped at 15.