Sugar Rush
From TheKolWiki
You're full of sugar. The net effect is the same as being full of piss and vinegar. +20% Combat Initiative |
Obtained From
Normal Drops
- Angry Farmer candy (10 Adventures)
- artisanal limoncello (30 Adventures)
- black forest cake (5 Adventures)
- breath mint (3 Adventures)
- brown sugar cane (3 Adventures)
- bucket of honey (50 adventures)
- marzipan skull (5 Adventures)
- spooky sap (5 Adventures)
- stick of "gum" (1 Adventure)
- swamp lolly (10 Adventures)
- Tasty Fun Good rice candy (5 Adventures)
- that gum you like (5 Adventures)
- Yummy Tummy bean (sometimes) (3 Adventures)
Halloween Treats
- Angry Farmer's Wife Candy (10 Adventures)
- Bit O' Ectoplasm (5 Adventures)
- candied kobold (3 Adventures)
- candy brain (15 Adventures)
- children of the candy corn (5 Adventures)
- Cold Hots candy (1 Adventure)
- Daffy Taffy (3 Adventures)
- dubious peppermint (3 Adventures)
- Good 'n' Slimy (5 Adventures)
- Gummi-DNA (3 Adventures)
- Gummi-Gnauga (10 Adventures)
- Hot 'n' Scarys (3 Adventures)
- leftover chocolate bar (50 Adventures)
- Now and Earlier (5 Adventures)
- one piece of bubble gum (10 Adventures)
- orange and black Crimboween candy (5 Adventures)
- piece of after eight when not at maximum fullness (5 Adventures)
- ribbon candy (10 Adventures)
- Rock Pops (3 Adventures)
- Senior Mints (3 Adventures)
- Sugar Cog (5 Adventures)
- sugar-coated pine cone (5 Adventures)
- virgin jello shot (100 Adventures)
- Wint-O-Fresh mint (3 Adventures)
Crimbo Items
- braincracker sweet (10 Adventures)
- candy cane pizza (10 Adventures)
- candy kneecapping stick (5 Adventures)
- candycaine (10 Adventures)
- Crimbo candied pecan (5 Adventures)
- Crimbo fudge (5 Adventures)
- Crimbo peppermint bark (5 Adventures)
- eggnogtini (10 Adventures)
- elven cellocello (20 Adventures)
- fermented honey (10 Adventures)
- gingerbread massacre (10 Adventures)
- gingerbread stir-fry (10 Adventures)
- gumdrop chow mein (10 Adventures)
- It Came From Beyond Dessert (10 Adventures)
- jawbruiser (5 Adventures)
- licorice garrote (5 Adventures)
- vampire cake (10 Adventures)
Bees Hate You Path
- honey mead (5 Adventures)
- wild honey pie (10 Adventures)
Other Items
- candy cane sword cane (250 adventures at rollover)
- Beignet Milgranet (100 Adventures)
- bottle of limeade (20 Adventures)
- candied pecan (10 Adventures)
- candy mountain oyster (10 Adventures)
- Marshmallow flambé (10 Adventures)
- Surge of Icing absorbs the Sugar Rush effect to increase the spell's power.
- The line refers to the common saying "full of piss and vinegar", meaning energetic.