Talk:Red Pill
Dropped by CDMoyers butt
Item description:
Red Pill
While this is a simple red pill, it seems to portend a series of increasingly ill-received movies. Maybe you should find a blue one.
Type: potion Effect: There is No Spoon Duration: 5 Adventures Selling Price: 42 Meat.
Effect: There is No Spoon At least, that's what some crazy lady told you.
Eliza mira 04:37, 1 April 2011 (UTC)
I think There is No Spoon increases moxie
The "There is No Spoon" effect makes your text glow green in chat for a second or two and then stops. I'm relatively sure everyone in chat sees the green text as well. Each chat entry uses up one turn of the effect.
iridescentFUZZ 17:40, 1 April 2011 (UTC +5:30)
"Good news, it's a suppository" is a Futurama line, but I don't remember which episode. I think it has been used on another in-game item. --Club (#66669) (Talk) 01:27, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- The munchies pill. --Johnny Treehugger 02:40, 3 April 2011 (UTC)