Teddy bear sewing kit

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teddy bear sewing kit
teddy bear sewing kit

This sewing kit is designed to be used by teddy bears. Since teddy bears have no opposable thumbs, or even articulated fingers, that's no mean feat. Your teddy bear can use this to reinforce his seams, therefore reducing the amount of stuffing that gets knocked out of him. Or, y'know, to embroider tough tattoos on himself.

Type: familiar equipment
Familiar: Teddy Bear
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

Teddy Bear loses less stuffing when hit.

(In-game plural: teddy bear sewing kits)
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Item number: 1419
Description ID: 834235395
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Obtained From

The Cake-Shaped Arena
Every 5th win with a Teddy Bear equipped
Every 2nd win with a Comma Chameleon equipped (Sometimes)
box of Familiar Jacks


  • Causes the familiar to lose experience (and weight) more slowly when it takes damage during combat.


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