The Grim Grimacite Site
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This content has been retired and is no longer available in game. |
The Grim Grimacite Site was formed by a piece of Grimace, broken off by a deflected comet, that crashed into the Desert Beach.
You walk up to the crater, but someone in a rubber suit stops you, and says, "Hey, buddy, I think it would be unwise for you to continue your endeavors to adventure at this site. For your own protection, it is best that you turn around and make like a tree, capice?
We've got our hands full trying to clean up the mess that old bearded lunatic made out here. Hey, why am I tellin' you this? The Boss is gonna skin me! Get outta here, wiseguy."
June 3rd, 2006
When adventuring here on June 3rd, 2006, you'd get the following messages:
First Visit:
- Crater? You don't even know... ahem. Anyway, this is a huge smoking hole in the ground, about a mile across. The sand all around it has been fused into green glass, and a massive chunk of rock fills the bottom of the depression. Even at this distance, the heat is pretty intense. Plus, your skin is starting to itch uncomfortably.
Second through 20th Visit:
- You go to have another look at the crater. Yep, it's still there, and it's still a huge glass-lined hole in the ground. Except this time, the itching is more like burning, and your breakfast makes a successful bid for freedom. Bleeargh.
![]() | You lose e(V-1) hit points. |
- (Where V is the number of your visit and e is Euler's Number, which is approximately 2.71828. The result is rounded to the nearest integer.)
- If the damage above caused you to get down to 0 HP, you would get 4 turns of Beaten Up, instead of the usual 3.
After 20 Visits (178,482,301 damage):
- Only a masochist would want to go back into that irradiated hellhole this many times. You're not a masochist, are you?
June 4th, 2006
On June 4th, 2006, tents appeared around the site. Entering this location yielded the following:
- You look at the crater from the safety of a sand dune a good clip away. You notice someone has set up tents near the crater. Strange.
June 5th, 2006
Shortly after rollover on June 5th, 2006 the site changed yet again. Entering then gave the following message:
- From your perch on the sand dune, you see that the little tents have been replaced with little prefab huts. (They're called that because no one's realized how awesome they are yet.)
- You feel like you should be shooting the huts with lightning, or perhaps levelling them with earthquakes.
June 6th, 2006
On June 6th, 2006, a large crane was present. Clicking on the crater gave the following message:
- You walk up to the crater, but someone in a rubber suit stops you, and says, "hey, buddy, I think it would be unwise for you to continue your endeavors to adventure at this site. For your own protection, it is best that you turn around and make like a tree, capisce?"
- You have no idea who that guy was.
June 7th, 2006
On June 7th, 2006, another crane had been erected. Clicking on the crater gave a similar message to the previous day.
- You walk up to the crater, but someone in a rubber suit stops you, and says, "Hey, buddy, I think it would be unwise for you to continue your endeavors to adventure at this site. For your own protection, it is best that you turn around and make like a tree, capice?"
- You have no idea who that guy was.
June 18th, 2007
On June 18th, 2007, the Grim Grimacite Site became available for adventurers to explore.
The Grim Grimacite Site | |
Zone Num | 156 |
Location | Desert Beach |
Unlocks | unknown |
Recom Stat | ? |
Combat % | ? |
ML | scales, but caps at 125 |
Terrain | indeterminate |
Special Adventures | |
Lucky | none |
refreshedit data |
Combat Adventures
Mob Penguin Smasher -- (edit metadata) | |
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Mob Penguin Smith -- (edit metadata) | |
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Mob Penguin Supervisor -- (edit metadata) | |
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Non-Combat Adventures
What The...!? | |
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June 25, 2007
On June 25, 2007, with the advent of NS13, adventurers could no longer explore the Grim Grimacite Site. Attempting to access it resulted in the original message appearing again, only edited:
You walk up to the crater, but someone in a rubber suit stops you, and says, "Hey, buddy, I think it would be unwise for you to continue your endeavors to adventure at this site. For your own protection, it is best that you turn around and make like a tree, capice?
Although, come to think of it, I dunno why we're keeping people out. Since that broad in the leather dress made off with the core, we're gettin' hardly anything out of here. The smiths had to start making stuff out of the leftovers.
Hey, why am I tellin' you this? The Boss is gonna skin me! Get outta here, wiseguy."
October 15, 2008
On October 15, 2008, the previous message was replaced with a new one.
You walk up to the crater, but someone in a rubber suit stops you, and says, "Hey, buddy, I think it would be unwise for you to continue your endeavors to adventure at this site. For your own protection, it is best that you turn around and make like a tree, capice?
Our new business associate would be none too happy if he knew there were punks like you nosin' around. Hey, why am I tellin' you this? The Boss is gonna skin me! Get outta here, wiseguy."
November 4th, 2008
On November 4th, 2008, the previous message was replaced with a new one.
You walk up to the crater, but someone in a rubber suit stops you, and says, "Hey, buddy, I think it would be unwise for you to continue your endeavors to adventure at this site. For your own protection, it is best that you turn around and make like a tree, capice?
We've got our hands full trying to clean up the mess that old bearded lunatic made out here. Hey, why am I tellin' you this? The Boss is gonna skin me! Get outta here, wiseguy."
October 30, 2010
On October 30, 2010, a "freak" tectonic activity caused The Grim Grimacite to vanish beneath the sands.
- The quote from June 6th, 2006 includes the lowercase "h" at the beginning of a sentence.
- The quote from June 6th, 2006 used the word "capisce" while in the quote from June 7th, 2006 the word "capice" is used instead.
- May also be called the Grimacite Mine, as shown in the description of the Grimacite Bock.
- The line "Crater? You don't even... ahem" is a reference to a whole family of jokes, of which the original is probably "Poker? I don't even know 'er!" (Which itself is probably the punchline to some primordial joke.) Any word ending in -er can be, and probably has been, substituted for "poker".
- The implied completion to the phrase "make like a tree..." is "...and leaf" (interpreted as "leave").
- The word Grimacite refers to the stone/material out of which Grimace is made; "Grimacite" (that is, -ite and esp. -cite are suffixes used by geologists for minerals, which are often named for the location or astronomical body from which they originate.)
- The term "prefab" refers to prefabricated houses. The text uses a pun on the slang term "fab," an abbreviation of "fabulous," so that "prefab" leads to "before it was fabulous."
- "You feel like you should be shooting the huts with lightning, or perhaps levelling them with earthquakes" is probably a reference to one of a genre of games in which the player essentially plays God, such as Populous or the SNES game ActRaiser.
- The "glass-lined hole" refers to "Trinitite", the green, slightly radioactive glass which was formed from the first nuclear explosion during the Manhattan Project.
- The "broad in the leather dress" is obviously the Naughty Sorceress.
- The phrase "The itching is more like burning." is a reference to the movie Dune.
- The identity of the 'old bearded lunatic' is fairly obvious.