The Hippy Camp (Verge of War)
From TheKolWiki
The Hippy Camp (Verge of War) | ||
Location | The Mysterious Island of Mystery | |
In either frat disguise | In either hippy disguise, or undisguised | |
Zone Num | 131 | 133 |
Unlocks | Upon receiving the Mysterious Island Quest | Upon receiving the Mysterious Island Quest |
Min Stat | 165 | 165 |
Combat % | 80 | 10 |
ML | 165 - 175 | 165 - 165 |
Terrain | outdoor | outdoor |
Special adventures | ||
Clover | none | none |
edit data |
When you start the Mysterious Island Quest, you will get a different set of adventures from the normal Hippy Camp. The Hippies will be gearing up for full-scale war against the Frat Boys.
Once the war starts, the Hippy Camp becomes a place to purchase Hippy War Gear and serves as headquarters for The Big Wisniewski.
A primary stat of 165 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- Sickly sweet smoke billows out of the hippy camp as you approach. The yurts seem quiet and peaceful, but the aroma of patchouli and unwashed bodies hints at a threat you may not be ready to handle.
In Frat Boy Ensemble or Frat Warrior Fatigues
Combat Adventures
War Hippy drill sergeant -- (edit metadata) | |
War Hippy (space) cadet -- (edit metadata) | |
Non-combat Adventures
Bait and Switch | |
Blockin' Out the Scenery | |
The Thin Tie-Dyed Line | |
Sneaky, Sneaky (Frat Warrior Fatigues) | |
In Filthy Hippy Disguise or War Hippy Fatigues
Combat Adventures
Orcish Frat Boy Spy -- (edit metadata) | |
Non-combat Adventures
Let's Get Physical | |
A Passion for Fashion | |
Screwing for Celibacy | |
The Conundrums of War | |
Rosie The Seamstress-er | |
Uncle Jerry Wants You | |
Make War, Not Love | |
My Dog Has No Nose | |
This Adventure Blows | |
A Totally Organic Experience | |
Ultimately Lame | |
You Better Work It | |
Cemetery, Man | |
The Naked Truth | |
- Cemetery, Man and The Naked Truth will occur if you are undisguised but have a filthy knitted dread sack or filthy corduroys equipped and you do not have an extra one in your inventory.