The Red Zeppelin

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After-combat damage range for both lacking a ticket and post-quest completion

The Red Zeppelin
The Red Zeppelin
Zone Num 385
Location The Red Zeppelin's Mooring
Unlocks Clearing A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters
Recom Stat 150
Combat % 100
ML 145 - 166
Terrain indoor
Special Adventures
Lucky Red Fox
refreshedit data
The Red Zeppelin is located in The Red Zeppelin's Mooring. It can only be accessed after you clear A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters outside.

A primary stat of 150 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:

This zone might be too tough for you.
(It is recommended that you have at least 150 <mainstat> to adventure here.)

Combat Adventures

man with the red buttons This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)

red butler This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: red box, glark cable
  • Meat Drop: 60-90
  • Monster Level: 150 • Substat Gain: 37.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 160
  • Monster Defense: 155
  • Hit Points: 160
  • Initiative: 50
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Red Herring This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: red box
  • Meat Drop: 100-150
  • Monster Level: 149 • Substat Gain: 37.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 159
  • Monster Defense: 152
  • Hit Points: 166
  • Initiative: 37
  • Elemental Alignment: None

red skeleton This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)

Red Snapper This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: red box
  • Meat Drop: 100-150
  • Monster Level: 155 • Substat Gain: 38.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 165
  • Monster Defense: 157
  • Hit Points: 150
  • Initiative: 75
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Ron "The Weasel" Copperhead This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: Copperhead Charm (rampant)
  • Meat Drop: 200-300
  • Monster Level: 165 • Substat Gain: 41.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 175
  • Monster Defense: 170
  • Hit Points: 180
  • Initiative: 100
  • Elemental Alignment: None
  • Damage Resistance: ?
  • Note: Becomes a one-time adventure once defeated.

11leafclover.gif Red Fox This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: red foxglove, Red Fox glove
  • Meat Drop: 160-240
  • Monster Level: 166 • Substat Gain: 41.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 176
  • Monster Defense: 155
  • Hit Points: 170
  • Initiative: 200
  • Elemental Alignment: None
  • Damage Resistance: ?
  • Note: This adventure is triggered whenever you adventure here while feeling Lucky!.

Non-combat Adventures

  • Note: Occurs on first visit to the zone.


  • After the fight, you explore the cargo compartment of the zeppelin. It's filled with a bunch of really boring stuff, but you do get a slightly better sense of the ship's layout.
  • You rifle through your fallen foe's possessions, looking for a clue as to the leader's whereabouts. You find a note reading Do not enter Ron's cabin for any reason whatsoever. From this, you glean that Ron is... in a cabin.
  • On the wall next to your fallen opponent, you see a map of the zeppelin, with an area marked Best Cabins. You note the location, assuming that Ron's cabin is probably one of the best ones, if not the best one.
  • After defeating your foe, you notice that one of the zeppelin's janitors has left his keyring on a hook on the wall. You grab it and unlock every door on the zeppelin before flushing the keys down the toilet. Take that, random janitor!
  • Having unlocked all of the doors in the zeppelin, you finally manage to figure out where the nicer cabins are. Unfortunately, you only have time to check a couple before you hear a guard coming and flee.
  • You finally make your way to the largest, most luxurious cabin in the zeppelin. You steel your nerves for the inevitable confrontation with Ron Copperhead.
  • If you do not defeat Ron Copperhead, he will go into hiding, and you will have to defeat 4 more of the above enemies to encounter him again. The progress message will always be the same in this case:
  • You check compartment after compartment looking for that weaselly Copperhead guy, but to no avail.
  • You search the Herring's cabin, but you find nothing of interest. Who could have guessed?
  • You search the Snapper's cabin, but everything you find has been snapped in half.
  • Without a Red Zeppelin ticket, there is a chance (about 50%? needs spading) of being thrown overboard, damaging you and negating any progress made that turn:
    A ticket taker accosts you after the fight. Unable to produce a ticket, you are thrown overboard!
    HPYou lose 30-35 hit points.
  • Without a Red Zeppelin ticket, but with a Mini kiwi invisible dirigible equipped, when thrown overboard you avoid damage but any progress made that turn is still negated:
    A ticket taker accosts you after the fight. Unable to produce a ticket, you are thrown overboard! You grab onto your familiar's invisible dirigible and float down safely.

Zep fire.gif

  • Once you defeat Ron "The Weasel" Copperhead, the zeppelin will go up in flames. During every round of combat against a native Zeppelin monster, a chunk of flaming zeppelin will hit either you or the enemy, dealing hot damage.
    • If the chunk hits you:
      A chunk of flaming zeppelin falls on you like a ton of hot lead.
      HPYou lose 30-86? hit points. (hot damage)
    • If the chunk hits the enemy:
      A chunk of flaming zeppelin falls on him like a ton of hot lead, dealing 30-50 damage.
  • Also, while the zeppelin's on fire, you may find a crate containing items after combat:
    In the chaos of the flaming zeppelin, you're able to loot one of the passenger compartments. You find a really nice sweater!
    Redsweater.gifYou acquire an item: Kashmir sweater
    In the chaos of the flaming zeppelin, you're able to raid a crate in the cargo hold. Turns out it was full of lemons!
    Lemon.gifYou acquire 3-4 lemons
    In the chaos of the flaming zeppelin, you're able to raid a crate in the cargo hold. Turns out it was full of tangerines!
    Tangerine.gifYou acquire 3-4 tangerines
    In the chaos of the flaming zeppelin, you're able to raid the bar car for some supplies.
    Wine2.gifYou acquire an item: bottle of Evermore
    In the chaos of the flaming zeppelin, you're able to raid the dining car for some supplies.
    Klpie.gifYou acquire an item: custard pie
    Coffeecup.gifYou acquire an item: tea for one
