Thistle wine

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thistle wine
thistle wine

This is like dandelion wine, only it's made from thistles instead of dandelions. Not only do hippies believe that all plants are equally beautiful, but they also believe that all plants are equally appropriate for use in the production of wine.

Type: booze (good)
Potency: 1
Level required: 10
Selling Price: 85 Meat.

(In-game plural: bottles of thistle wine)
View metadata
Item number: 2522
Description ID: 685027473
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Hippy Camp (Verge of War)
Blockin' Out the Scenery
Hippy Army MPE (0-1)

When Used

You (ow!) guzzle the (ow!) thistle wine (ow!) down. You're not thure that wath thuch a thmart courth of acthion.
AdventuresYou gain 2-4 Adventures.
You gain 30-60 Smarm.
HPYou lose 50-75 hit points.
You gain 1 Drunkenness.


  • Losing all HP from drinking thistle wine will result in you suffering from being Beaten Up for 4 adventures rather than 3. However, you can drink thistle wine even if you have 0 HP, and your beaten up counter will not increase above 4.


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