Trainbot plating

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Trainbot plating
Trainbot plating

A dented scrap of the hardest metal known to elf science. Outside of a Trainbot, it's too hard to break.

Type: potion
Effect: Trainbot Plating (1 Adventure)Damage Reduction: 3*X
Cannot be discarded
NOTE: This item will stop working when Crimbo 2022 is over.

(In-game plural: Trainbot plates)
View metadata
Item number: 11052
Description ID: 986908923
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

pile of Trainbot parts (0-1)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo Train (Caboose)
Choose an Action During a Caboose Distraction (0-3)

When Used

You slap the plating onto your waiting skin.
Trainplate.gifYou acquire an effect: Trainbot Plating
(duration: 1 Adventure)


  • X is equal to the number of turns of this effect remaining. There is no cap.



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