Tuning fork

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tuning fork
tuning fork

For some reason, poking your scary death orb with this tuning fork makes it a little better-behaved. This is something that probably won't be explained any time soon, if ever.

Type: familiar equipment
Familiar: Scary Death Orb
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

Familiar Will Attack You Less Often

(In-game plural: tuning forks)
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Item number: 1928
Description ID: 483140439
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Cake-Shaped Arena
Every 5th win with a Scary Death Orb equipped
Every 2nd win with a Comma Chameleon equipped (Sometimes)
box of Familiar Jacks


  • For some reason, in Phantasm IV, striking a tuning fork made Sentinel Spheres explode. This is something that probably won't be explained any time soon, if ever.


"1928" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.