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====Alhanna (#332947)====
Joined KoL on December 09, 2004
Joined up with Otori the following June
Completed an 81 day HC run, proved that there was no trophy for 1000 drunk in HC.
Snagged five other trophies and a CBS in that same run.
Is now aiming for a complete set of brimstone equipment.
Was a DJ for the now defunct station WKOL.

====Tiny Plastic Alhanna (#472349)====
Proud member of The Inconceivables
Is currently a DJ for Radio Inconceivable

====Other Qualifications and Titles Given====
KolMohDee's Personal Music Director
Warning - "Licensed to Blow"
The Cock Molly (TM)

Alhanna's LiveJournal

Proud member of Otori