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This is my page 'cause I was tired of seeing my name in red when I posted something. :p


My main (and only) character is fuwafuwa. I started playing July 27, 2004. Although I'm not a speed ascender and regularly take breaks from KoL, I consider hardcore to be the best way to play KoL.

I made about 20 million meat in the early days from several mall practices (in no particular order):

  • Buying philanthropic mall sales and selling them at market price.
  • Cornering the Eye-pod market for the first two days that familiar gear was introduced.
  • Cornering the toast market for a few weeks, when toast used to sell for more than minimum price.
  • Cornering the Chef-in-the-box market for a week.
  • Playing the Crimbo markets, Petrified Time market, and other stuff.

You could summarize what I did in this fashion: Buy low, sell (a little) higher. I abused player's generosity to make a more comfortable game for myself, but it wasn't all bad...

Although I'd been relatively well-to-do through my mall manipulations, I eventually sank almost all of the meat I gained back into philanthropy/meatsinks: I tithed to the War Fund and Yeti Fund, had tens-of-thousands of Salty Dogs for sale at minimum cost in my store, and donated another 6k drinks to the Breeding Project. So, after unscrupulously earning all that meat, I frittered almost all of it away.

When the Tome of snowcone summoning was introduced (January 2006), that's when I first began to take notice of the IotMs.. Well, to be fair, I didn't see much need for Mr. Store items as I'd only use them post-King, pre-Ascension if I remained hardcore all the time.. I hadn't even considered the familiars until after picking up a Tome, so I picked up a Cymbal-Playing Monkey soon thereafter. After that point, I vowed that I would always have at least one Mr. A (or meat enough to buy a Mr. A) available for buying IotM's that I wanted.

In November 2007, I decided to have a Display Case garage sale, and sold all the extra regular stuff I had accumulated, and made about 12 million meat over the course of a week. I figured I was pretty much set for the next year...

...That's when the new pirate content went live. Quietest set up his Pirate Map tracker, and I initially focused on trying to get a Tiki Idol; it was cool and no one knew exactly what it would do. No dice, though; I always got chests and keys no matter how lucky I felt certain combinations were.

... and then I struck rainbow:
One morning while looking at the map, I noticed the "rainbow island line" had been expanded into an arrow. I looked at the arrow and counted spaces from the tip to one of the "ends" of the arrow, and then counted out the distance to where the next island might be. To my surprise, the logical extension of the line, 172,19, hadn't been explored yet. I assumed this was merely an oversight on the part of the submitters, so I plugged in 172,19 with no expectations, and got a Rainbow pearl. Needless to say, I was more than a little surprised. I then looked at the other side of the arrow and saw that 176,33 hadn't been explored either -- so I made a mad dash through the pirates to get another sailing adventure. Entered the coords and netted a second pearl.

Even now, though, I fully realize that I only "need" 4 million meat and a Mr. A or two to keep me satisfied; the other items do me no good; they just sit around doing nothing most of the time.

I mostly chill on /hardcore, and tend to play in the late afternoon (8pm-Midnight EST). That's my story. Thanks for reading it.

In-game Information

Username: fuwafuwa (#161564)

Skills/etc charts taken from Shogun42, who took it from someone else. Data listed here is not guaranteed (nor expected) to be accurate, since I'm lazy and don't want to update things regularly.