From TheKolWiki
ePeterso2 (#282376) has been playing since November 2004 and was sucked into this game by his RL friend and coworker Haiken. A standard mix of a Spade/Heart-style player, his game-related interests include:
- Maintaining the Jick and Mr. Skullhead Radio Show FAQ
- Collecting valuable trinkets and tiny plastic swords
- Maintaining the cocktailcrafting page
- Creating custom avatars
- Mixing player-made music
- Writing haiku
- Oh, and just playing the game.
His interests outside the game include:
- They Might Be Giants
- Hacking Perl code
- Writing and solving pencil puzzles
- anagrams
- Looking for the perfect golf swing
He generally hangs out in /pvp, /hardcore, /haiku, and /clan. Email him at YIM works too, mostly.
- touch*
Proud member of Jicken Wings |