User:Kay Dekker/Spading

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Badly romantic arrows and puttied monsters

Monsters summoned by using Fire a badly romantic arrow are believed to arrive with a (presumably flat) time distribution of [15...25] turns.

This is probably scheduled by decrementing a counter. The counter may be decremented within adventure.php, since it seems (tentatively) that putty combats, which instead call combat.php directly, don't decrement the counter. If so, sometimes more than 25 turns will elapse between firing the arrow and the first romanced monster showing up. The major purpose of this spading exercise is to investigate this possible effect.

I'm collecting data in this way:

  • Capturing the monster in a camera for the next day's use, puttying it, arrowing it and killing it.
  • Exhausting the putty sheet by doing a summon-copy-kill loop. This will always use five turns, since that's how many times you can summon with putty per day, and I'm not using my putty otherwise.
  • Adventuring normally until the first romanced monster shows up, and noting the turn counter as n1.
  • Adventuring normally until the second and third (I'm using a quake of arrows, so I get three rather than two) romanced monsters to show up, and noting the turn counter as n2 and n3 respectively.
  • Tabulating the results for later analysis.

Data section

Results so far
Day count n0 n1 n2 n3
1 215 189 165 143
2 218 195 170 146
3 218 190 172 148
4 235 209 192 170
5 220 190 166 143
6 232 205 188 172
7 234 212 190 166
8 222 194 178 159
9 235 205 180 164
10 225 202 181 166
11 235 211 196 172
12 234 210 187 169
13 235 205 182 157
14 237 213 188 167
15 234 211 196 172
16 234 211 186 161
17 234 213 197 178
18 234 209 184 160
19 236 207 190 171
20 234 204 186 167
21 235 204 182 162
22 235 209 185 164
23 235 213 194 177
24 238 211 194 174
25 234 209 187 167
26 234 207 191 169