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Mr. A price chart [1]


GreaseMonkey Scripts

PLEASE NOTE: Google Apps(my host) does not let you follow links normally. Disable your GM(click the monkey so he is grayed out) then click the link to load google's redirect page. Then re-enable GM and click their link. By me:

Chat Commands


  • Great Wolf

/count great wolf's he && /count great wolf's right && /count great wolf's left

  • Falls-From-Sky

/count Drapes-You && /count warms-your && /count covers-your

  • Zombie HomeOwners

/count zombie mariachi hat && /count zombie accord && /count zombie mariachi pa

  • Mayor Ghost

/count mayor ghost's kh && /count mayor ghost's cloa && /count mayor ghost's toup

  • Unkillable Skeleton

/count unkillable skeleton's skull && /count unkillable skeleton's shin && /count unkillable skeleton's breast

  1. Drunkula

/count unkula's drink && /count unkula's silk && /count unkula's cape


  • Check for Ol' Scratch loot:

/count Ol' Scratch's ash can && /count Ol' Scratch's ol' britches && /count Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat && /count Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork && /count Ol' Scratch's manacles && /count Ol' Scratch's stove door

  • Check for Frosty loot:

/count Frosty's carrot && /count Frosty's nailbat && /count Frosty's old silk hat && /count Frosty's arm && /count Frosty's iceball && /count Frosty's snowball sack

  • Check for Oscus loot:

/count Oscus's dumpster waders && /count Oscus's pelt && /count Wand of Oscus && /count Oscus's flypaper pants && /count Oscus's garbage can lid && /count Oscus's neverending soda

  • Check for Zombo loot:

/count Zombo's grievous greaves && /count Zombo's shield && /count Zombo's skullcap && /count Zombo's empty eye && /count Zombo's shoulder blade && /count Zombo's skull ring

  • Check for Chester loot:

/count Chester's bag of candy && /count Chester's cutoffs && /count Chester's moustache && /count Chester's Aquarius medallion && /count Chester's muscle shirt && /count Chester's sunglasses

  • Check for Hodgeman loot:
    • (outfit)

/count Hodgman's bow tie && /count Hodgman's porkpie hat && /count Hodgman's lobsterskin pants &&

    • (Other drops)

/count Hodgman's almanac && /count Hodgman's lucky sock && /count Hodgman's metal detector && /count Hodgman's varcolac paw && /count Hodgman's harmonica && /count Hodgman's garbage sticker && /count Hodgman's whackin' stick && /count Hodgman's cane &&

    • (Turn-count specific drops)

/count Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat && /count Hodgman's imaginary hamster && /count hobo fortress blueprints &&

Firefox addons If you use any extension that adds toolbars or otherwise interacts with the statusbar(s), you'll want this to allow a quick/dirty way to see all the content in popup windows. (Usefull for sites other kol as well)


Plater (#729685)

Looking for no-longer attainable/rare items, will pay in Mr.As or meat.

Currently working on: Lvl30 trophies, OCD genocide, hodgman, professional tour guide

MrAs Purchased

100+ (yay ePeen!)

Collector Score

88 tattoos + 68 trophies + 107 familiars = collector score: 263

Trophy Ripper

    • DOWN** While I move the server.

UPDATED! TrophyRipper now uses thekolwiki instead of kol.coldfront as it's source. (Along with regex and a DataTable instead of exact string comparison and an ArrayList) Need to know what trophies you are missing? (Still REALLY looks terrible)Then check out this: TrophyRipper

Needed familiars

(Have these? Wanna sell? Lets talk)
22. Familiar22.gif Coffee Pixie
23. Familiar23.gif Cheshire Bat
24. Familiar24.gif Jill-O-Lantern
25. Familiar25.gif Hand Turkey
26. Familiar26.gif Crimbo Elf
27. Familiar27.gif Hanukkimbo Dreidl
28. Familiar28.gif Baby Yeti
30. Familiar30.gif Emo Squid
31. Familiar31.gif Personal Raincloud
38. Familiar38.gif Inflatable Dodecapede
39. Familiar39.gif Pygmy Bugbear Shaman
40. Familiar40.gif Doppelshifter

93. Blackcat2.gif Black Cat
96. Rattlesnake.gif Baby Mutant Rattlesnake‎
97. Fireant.gif Mutant Fire Ant
98. Cactusbud.gif Mutant Cactus Bud
99. Gilamonster.gif Mutant Gila Monster
102. Crab.gif Imitation Crab
112. Slimeling.gif Slimeling
123. Brickochick.gif BRICKO chick
138. Hippofam.gif Hippo Ballerina
140. Pianocat.gif Piano Cat
141. Dramahog.gif Dramatic Hedgehog


Already Owned

Ghuolishly good.gif Big head todd.gif Shakin the bush here boss.gif Ladies and gentlemen.gif You shot the invisible swordsman.gif
Go go gadget trophy.gif Dirt and dirty.gif He aint heavy hes my familiar.gif Also ate zarathustra.gif Party on the big boat.gif You done took my toast.gif
Better than bad its good.gif With friends like these.gif Gonna need a smaller boat.gif Get oot eh.gif You damned dirty human.gif
Crushed under pets.gif Heavy lourde.gif A dog a plan.gif Van went.gif The nastiest cocktail.gif Angst with extra cheese.gif
Gored to the core.gif Master of nuns.gif Dancing in the dark.gif Whoops whoops whoops.gif Your mom knows the butler.gif
In deep end ents.gif Jeff was right.gif My shrimps was dead and gone.gif No less than three.gif You were devoutly aligned.gif In soviet russia minstrels eat you.gif
Jeremiah was a bullfrog.gif No well ten beers.gif This parrot is nude.gif Gonna go fondle my sweaters.gif Just like tara reid.gif
The dude abides.gif Eliza knew best.gif Kick em when theyre up.gif Like a cucumber on pluto.gif Melodious and mellifluous.gif Horror has a new name.gif
Dont worry your pretty little head.gif Dance round the room to accordion keys.gif This boat sucks.gif But it doesnt love me back.gif Who runs bartertown.gif
Howd you do that man thats creepy.gif And a filthy job it is.gif Ill make a note of it.gif Dodecahardon.gif Visitors stink earlier.gif What the hell are colitas anyway.gif
Im a little bit country.gif Tortoise reform.gif Every which way but footloose.gif Thats numberwang.gif Saturday night inferno.gif
Undercover clubber.gif Screw you atkins.gif In a fruit fight.gif Stop noodling around.gif And thats all.gif I hardly know her.gif
Please dont taste the rainbow.gif Giant blue pool cue.gif

Still Need (that I can get)

Number Name Image Image filename Requirement Restriction
66 Professional Tour Guide Now ive seen it all.gif now ive seen it all have 20(?) different "90%(?) favorite" familiars in your ascension history
69 Two-Tiered Tiny Plastic Trophy 50px‎ just like grandmas dentures have all 64 Tiny plastic series 2 figurines in your display case

Nice trophy pablo honey.gif In a little toy shop.gif Look what i can do.gif Hood ornament.gif
Stop noodling around.gif Lost in the sauce once again.gif Undercover clubber.gif

Mr. Store Items Needed

(I started December 2005, so I least want to cover that timespan)

Month Item
January 2006 Nopic2.gif tome of snowcone summoning(?)
October 2005 Doppegg.gif doppelshifter egg
September 2005 Jbelt.gif Jekyllin hide belt
August 2005 Familiar39.gif pygmy bugbear shaman
July 2005 Waxlips.gif wax lips
June 2005 Deflatdod.gif deflated inflatable dodecapede
May 2005 Maypole.gif miniature gravy-covered maypole
April 2005 Raindrop.gif personal raindrop
April Fools' Day, 2005 Roe.gif emo roe
March 2005 Tamo.gif lucky Tam O'Shanter
January 2005 Babyyeti.gif orphan baby yeti
December 2004 Elfling.gif crimbo elfling
November 2004 Hand.gif hand turkey outline
October 2004 Jilldark.gif Dark Jill-O-Lantern
October 6, 2004 - October 6, 2005: Csprite.gif coffee sprite
October 6, 2004 - October 6, 2005: Cbitten.gif Cheshire Bitten