
Me, xSmootx, joined Kingdom of Loathing on June 27nd, 2005.
At the time, xSmootx (better known as Smoot) was in between RPG's from Adventure Quest and slowly transitioned into KoL. It wasn't until sometime in October or November that Smoot got hooked onto KoL.
For the first couple of months, Smoot learned the basics of the simplistic game at the time and found the /trade channel the most interesting out of all the other channels.
Smoot was well known back in the hey-days for aggressively selling a TPS and Comfy Blanket. From there he would join the forums on August 6th 2005, but would stay dormant until a certain ultra rare by the name of Platinum Yendorian Express Card that would get the ball of xSmootx hatred rolling.
Tempers would soon flare up around December 2006 when the Yuletide Troll would hit Mr. Store. Smoot was well known for standing his ground in arguments, having difference in opinions and going head to head with Mr Skullhead on the forums. This resulted in having his very own Greasemonkey script named after him.
On May 1 2007, the mods gave Smoot and ultimatum to stop his brash opinions or get banned. Instead, Smoot pulled a move in what he calls "Taking his ball and playing somewhere else". This resulted Smoot opening up his own personal blog site, where the only rules he has to follow are his own. As of August 13th 2007, Smoot posted back on the forums of loathing with this post. A few months later, Smoot would be banned from the forums forever due to biased moderation.
Smoot's personal status is currently: trying to find a job, preferably an online one.
Fun Facts:
-Smoot met up with Mr Skullhead in Baltimore in February 2007. The two individuals patched things up and took photographs of a faux fight. Those pictures to this day have not surfaced.
-Smoot also likes to make sigs for people in his spare time for free. His one collection of sigs can be found in the Artist's lair on the forums.
-Smoot doesn't like to collect things but has a number of jumbled shelves in his display case
-Smoot is an occasional listener to Jick and Skullhead on Thursdays. He very often misses the monday shows due to the same time airing of WWE's Monday Night RAW. It's rumored that Jick and company hate Smoot. Mr Skullhead jokingly invited Smoot to come onto the show which some people wanted to see happen, however, it's bleek if Smoot will ever be on the radio with eith Jick or Skully.
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