War Frat Elite Wartender

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War Frat Elite Wartender
Monster ID 506
Locations The Battlefield (War Hippy Fatigues)
Hit Points 220
Attack 195
Defense 166
No-Hit 205
Initiative 70
Meat None
Phylum orc
Elements sleaze
Resistance None
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, torso
beer bomb, beer bomb, beer helmet, bejeweled pledge pin, distressed denim pants, kick-ass kicks, molotov cocktail cocktail, PADL Phone, sake bomb, sake bomb, tequila grenade, blue class ring
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
War Frat Elite Wartender You're fighting a War Frat Elite Wartender

This bartender isn't a frat boy -- she's the outside help the frat boys used to hire for their really good parties. She's known more for her bottle-slinging and table-dancing skills than for mixology, but she always breathes life into any social gathering. Just don't take her home -- rumor has it you'd rather gnaw your arm off than wake up next to her.

Hit Message(s):

She jumps up on her portable bar and does a high-stepping dance, kicking you in the head with her stiletto heels. Oof! Ugh! Ow! Ow! Ooh! Eek! Oof!

She takes off her bra under her shirt (how do girls do that?) and uses it as a double-barreled, shot-slinging slingshot. Ooh! Oof! Ugh! Ooh! Ooh!

She juggles three sake bombs, lighting the fuses with a cigarette held between her teeth, then whips all three at you. Ugh! Argh! Oof! Oof! Argh!

She mixes up a flaming cocktail, then whips it at you. Yipe! Ooh! Argh! Ooh! Ooh! Eek! (hot damage)

Critical Hit Message:

She jumps up on her portable bar and does a high-stepping can-can, kicking glass bottles and shots at you, showering you with broken glass. Ouch! Ow! Ugh! Ow! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

She jumps up on her portable bar, but the bar collapses. Ha-ha!

She tries to take her bra off under her shirt, but gets hopelessly tangled up.

She sticks a shot glass in her cleavage, fills it with booze, and drinks the shot without using her hands. Impressive, but not harmful.

She mixes up a shot and downs it. Huh, that wasn't much of an attack.

Fumble Message:

She spins a bottle over her head, but the alcohol drips down and smudges her mascara, so she has to stop and re-apply make-up. (FUMBLE!)

Special Move(s):

She calls you over and whispers something in your ear that makes you blush. And no, I'm not going to tell you what it was. Pervert.

Blush.gifYou acquire an effect: Easily Embarrassed
(duration: 10 Adventures)

After Combat

Rankring2.gifYou acquire an item: blue class ring (31.1% chance)*
Deminpants.gifYou acquire an item: distressed denim pants (0.5% chance)*
Beerhelmet.gifYou acquire an item: beer helmet (1.2% chance)*
Fratwarpin.gifYou acquire an item: bejeweled pledge pin (1.1% chance)*
Kicks.gifYou acquire an item: kick-ass kicks (1.5% chance)*
Padl.gifYou acquire an item: PADL Phone (2.8% chance)*
Sakebomb.gifYou acquire an item: sake bomb (20% chance)*
Sakebomb.gifYou acquire an item: sake bomb (20% chance)*
Beer.gifYou acquire an item: beer bomb (15% chance)*
Beer.gifYou acquire an item: beer bomb (15% chance)*
Teqgrenade.gifYou acquire an item: tequila grenade (20% chance)*
Molotov.gifYou acquire an item: molotov cocktail cocktail (20% chance)*
You gain 48-49 <substat>.

Occurs at The Battlefield (War Hippy Fatigues).



  • The line in the description "rumor has it you'd rather gnaw your arm off than wake up next to her" is a reference to the term (& movie), Coyote Ugly.
  • The critical hit message may be a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail where, during the Knights of the Round Table song, some knights are doing the can-can on a table and kicking stuff off the table.