Wax pancake

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wax pancake
wax pancake

This is either a pancake made of wax or a blank LP. Either way, it looks delicious!

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 2
Selling Price: 15 Meat.
Effect: Waxing (30 Adventures)Maximum HP +100%
Maximum MP +50%
+50% Combat Initiative

(In-game plural: wax pancakes)
View metadata
Item number: 9307
Description ID: 899405619
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

glob of melted wax
Chez Snootée (sometimes) (45 Meat)

When Consumed

You break the wax pancake into a hundred tiny wax shards, and use each of them to pick the previous one out of your teeth.
AdventuresYou gain 8-9 Adventures. (avg. 8.5)
You gain 20-25 Muscleboundness.
You gain 20-25 Mysteriousness.
You gain 20-25 Smarm.
Waxglob.gifYou acquire an effect: Waxing
(duration: 30 Adventures)
(You gain 2 Fullness.)


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