Well-Tempered Tools

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The Well-Tempered Anvil is designed to help you make the best use of your Pulverize skill (which can be purchased by level 15 Seal Clubbers). It lists practically all of the equipment in the game that is known to be smashable, and tells you what sorts of powders, nuggets, and wads are likely to come from smashing each one.

The Well-Tempered Mixologist is designed to help you understand more about the mechanics of alcohol in the Kingdom of Loathing. You can use this tool to sort the various alcoholic beverages available in the game by turns or stats gained from consuming them, with handy filters used to look up drinks that can be created with specific ingredients, that can be crafted without advanced mixing skills, etc.

The Well-Tempered Epicure gives you the data you need to be a frugal gourmet in the Kingdom of Loathing. Sort all of the food available in the Kingdom by adventures, stats, fullness, or whatnot. Use the filters to look for food that can be made with a given ingredient, or that you can create/consume given your particular circumstances. C'est délicieux!

Tripping the Fog Fantastic is a mapping utility that will help you navigate through the Violet Fog maze within the Kingdom of Loathing. Just tell the tool what you're looking for, and start navigating through the maze -- the map will update in real time, and will occasionally give you advice on which way you might want to go, or not go.

Tour de Louvre is another mapping utility, this one used to help navigate the Louvre maze within the Haunted Gallery. Tell the tool what you're looking for, and some friendly tour guides will help give you advice (and unrelated running commentary/flavor) on how to locate it, based on what you've seen in the maze so far.