XO Shop

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XO Shop is accessed by blOwing an O or eXpending an X.

Xovier O'Xullivan

"C'mon buddy, gimme them sweet Xs and Os! I will jam them together into new forms for you, no charge! That's right -- I do this only for the satisfaction of a job well done! It's not a sex thing at all!"
Item: (click for description) Price:
Xoglasses.gif pair of candy glasses Xoo.gif 2
Xotats.gif temporary X tattoos Xox.gif 2
Xocookie.gif Hide-rox™ cookie Xoo.gif 3
Jug.gif jug of booze Xox.gif 3
Xorings.gif glyph of athleticism Xoo.gif 5
Xoscissors.gif pair of scissors Xoo.gif 2 Xox.gif 1
Xocalendar.gif new habit Xox.gif 31
Xotruss.gif bridge truss Xox.gif 23
Xonecklace.gif pearl necklace Xoo.gif 37
Xoblob small.gif amorphous blob Xoo.gif 111 Xox.gif 111
Xoblob.gif giant amorphous blob Xobigo.gif 11 Xobigx.gif 11

You have:

Xoo.gif x Os

Xox.gif x Xes
Xobigx.gif x giant Xes
Xobigo.gif x giant Os
