Xiblaxian residence-cube

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Xiblaxian residence-cube
Xiblaxian residence-cube

This tiny rotating eight-sided cube is the self-assembling seed of a traditional Xiblaxian dwelling. Since Xiblaxians traditionally live in weird rotating eight-sided cubes, it's gonna be a real challenge fitting your furniture in it once it's assembled.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded

(In-game plural: Xiblaxian residence-cubes)
View metadata
Item number: 7758
Description ID: 571869324
View in-game: view


Xiprinter.gif 11 Xiblaxian circuitrys 11 Xiblaxian polymers 11 Xiblaxian alloys 3 Xiblaxian crystals
Equals.gif Xiblaxian residence-cube

When Used

  • When constructing:
You place the cube point-down on the ground at your campsite. It begins to spin, and as it spins it increases in size until it's the size of a house!
  • When resting:
See resting.
  • When replacing:
You put your hand on your residence cube to stop its spin. When it stops, it also disappears.



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