Advent Calendar (2005)

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Advent Calendar

This Advent Calendar was placed in the Campground of all players on December 1, 2005. The Advent Calendar has a total 25 sections, one for every day in December until Crimbo. Every day, players are able to open one section, and receive an item. The first section you punch out is Section 25, and it counts down to Section 1, which is opened on Crimbo.

There are X sections left on your advent calendar. Today's section hasn't been punched out yet.

Punch It

An Adventer is You!

  • Days 1-12 (Sections 25-14)
Candycane.gifYou acquire an item: candy cane


Coffeecup.gifYou acquire an item: eggnog


Fruitcake.gifYou acquire an item: fruitcake


Gingerbear.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbread bugbear
  • Day 13 (Section 13)
Aspirin.gifYou acquire an item: aspirin
"They can't all be winners, kid."
  • Days 14-16 (Sections 12-10)
Choco.gifYou acquire an item: fancy chocolate
  • Day 17 (Section 9)
Candycane.gifYou acquire an item: candy cane


Coffeecup.gifYou acquire an item: eggnog


Fruitcake.gifYou acquire an item: fruitcake


Gingerbear.gifYou acquire an item: gingerbread bugbear
  • Day 18-20 (Section 8-6)
Scook2.gifYou acquire an item: bell-shaped Crimbo cookie


Scook3.gifYou acquire an item: tree-shaped Crimbo cookie


Scook1.gifYou acquire an item: wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie
  • Day 21 (Section 5)
Figelf.gifYou acquire an item: tiny plastic Crimbo elf
  • Day 22 (Section 4)
Fignut.gifYou acquire an item: tiny plastic sweet nutcracker
  • Day 23 (Section 3)
Figdeer.gifYou acquire an item: tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer
  • Day 24 (Section 2)
Figwreath.gifYou acquire an item: tiny plastic Crimbo wreath
  • Day 25 (Section 1)
Figuncle.gifYou acquire an item: tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo

There are X sections left on your advent calendar. Today's section has already been punched out.



  • The days do not stack. In other words, if you don't open it the day it becomes available, there won't be two sections to punch out after the next rollover.
  • Ascending does not allow you to punch out the same section twice in one day. If you punch out the current day's section, ascend, then click the calendar in your campground after ascension, you will be told that "Today's section has already been punched out."
  • On Day 23, there was a bug which gave one of the items from the first days. The affected could keep the item, along with the reindeer.


  • Advent is a period of the year which includes the four Sundays before Christmas. An advent calendar is a traditional gift, often including small gifts or sayings behind each day's door.
  • The phrase "They can't all be winners, kid," which accompanies the aspirin, is a reference to the movie Bad Santa.
  • The phrase "An Adventer is You!" is a play on KoL's motto, "An Adventurer is You!"

See Also

Adventclosed.gif Advent Calendars - edit
2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024