bag of GORF
This bag contains a quantity of trail mix comprised of gelatin, oil, refrigerant and fuel.
Type: food (decent) Size: 1 Level required: 3 Selling Price: 23 Meat. Effect: Long Live GORF (3 Adventures)GORF is watching. GORF approves. (In-game plural: bag of GORFs) | |
Obtained From
- Other
- Camp Scout backpack
- Stores
- Chez Snootée (sometimes) (69 Meat)
When Consumed
You eat the GORF. As it hits your stomach, your circuitry buzzes with activity. Wait. You don't remember having any... circuitry...
(You gain 1 Fullness.)
- GORF, or Galactic Orbiting Robot Force, was a 1981 arcade game.
- circuitry is a reference to the early 2011 Jick Show and Video Games Hot Dog podcasts, wherein Jick would say the word with a curious and distinctive inflection.
- GORP (Good Old Raisins & Peanuts) is scout-talk for trail mix.
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