Bed of coals

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bed of coals
bed of coals

This is a bed made of embers, with a mostly intact but still-burning log for a pillow. Having this at your campsite would probably increase your tolerance for heat.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: beds of coals)
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Item number: 3344
Description ID: 437736715
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Burnbarrel Blvd.
Hot hobo

When Used

You don't have a dwelling to put the bed of coals in.
  • Used without a bed of coals in your dwelling:
You install the bed of coals in your dwelling.
  • Used with a bed of coals in your dwelling:
You've already got a bed of coals at your campsite.
Installing this in your dwelling will destroy your <furniture> -- are you sure you want to proceed?
  • After clicking [Yes!]:
You toss your <furniture> aside and install the bed of coals in your dwelling. The <furniture> is immediately stolen (and subsequently urinated on) by a hobo. Yech.


See Also


"3344" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.