Bottle of black cat tonic

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bottle of black cat tonic
bottle of black cat tonic

A-ha! Now you know why black cats cause bad luck. It's because they drink this stuff -- it's essentially the essence of all bad luck and omens evil, distilled into potion form. Anything that consumes it produces a bad-luck aura that affects anyone in range. It all makes perfect sense now!

Isn't it nice when science can explain things that were once only superstitions?

Type: potion
Selling Price: 25 Meat.
Effect: Contagious Bad Luck (10 Adventures)Mysticality -20%

(In-game plural: bottles of black cat tonic)
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Item number: 2674
Description ID: 815439210
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Obtained From

The Mouldering Mansion
black cat
Midst the Pallor of the Parlor
black cat

When Used

You drink the black cat tonic, falling briefly unconscious. When you wake up, you feel a magical aura of evil expanding around you.
Bmirror.gifYou acquire an effect: Contagious Bad Luck
(duration: 10 Adventures)


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