CDMoyer's butt

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CDMoyer's butt
Monster ID unknown
Locations April Fools' Day#2011
Hit Points 52
Attack 69
Defense 76
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum Indeterminate
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts Indeterminate
Red Pill
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
CDMoyer's butt You're fighting CDMoyer's butt

A rift opens in the fabric of reality, and a butt emerges from it. A... familiar-looking butt.

Hit Message(s):

It hits you with its left cheek, then turns the other one. Argh! Ooh! Ouch!

It hits you with its right cheek, then turns the other one. Ow! Oof! Ooh! Ugh!

You get hit by the whole butt, which is better than being hit by the butt hole, but just barely. Ooh! Eek! Argh! Ooh!

It delivers a buttload of pain. Given the circumstances, that's the best buttload of anything you could have hoped for. Ouch! Ow! Argh! Eek!

Critical Hit Message:

It winks at you. Ugh. Ouch! Oof! Ouch! Ugh! (sleaze damage)

It hits you with the whole butt and the butt hole, which is unpleasant in too many ways to catalog here. Ooh! Ouch! Ugh! Ugh! (stench damage)

Miss Message(s):

It tries to hit you with its left cheek, but you cheekily dodge.

It tries to hit you with its right cheek, but you cheekily dodge.

It tries to deliver a crapload of pain, but its timing is off.

It flaps its cheeks ineffectively.

The whole butt, and the butt hole, manage to both miss you.

It floats in midair, the moonslight gleaming on each cheek. It's almost majestic, isn't it?

Fumble Message:

not known

After Combat

Pill.gifYou acquire an item: Red Pill
You gain 20? <substat>.

Occured at random locations during April Fool's Day 2011.