Crimbo Train (Caboose)

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Crimbo Train (Caboose)
Crimbo Train (Caboose)
Zone Num 559
Location Crimbo Town
Unlocks Visit Abuela Crimbo's Cottage
Recom Stat
Combat %
Terrain indoor
refreshedit data
Crimbo train caboose.gif

The Crimbo Train (Caboose) was located in Crimbo Town, which could be found in The Big Mountains during Crimbo 2022.


Brake-Operating Trainbot This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
Trainbot brake.gif

Ping-Pong-Playing Trainbot This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
Trainbot ping.gif

Track-Switching Trainbot This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
Trainbot switch.gif
  • Item Drops: pile of Trainbot parts, pile of Trainbot parts
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Scales • Substat Gain: unknownMoxie for No Hit*: Scales
  • Monster Defense: Scales with player stats
  • Hit Points: Scales
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Non-combat Adventures

Choose an Action During a Caboose Distraction
Choose an Action During a Caboose Distraction
  • Grab a bunch of spare parts: Get some Trainbot parts.
  • See what's in the muttering trunk: Earn 3 Elf Gratitude.
  • Go for the ping-pong supplies: Get a ping-pong paddle or some ping-pong balls.
  • Note: Occurs every 10 adventures.


There's not enough room for you to do that...