Drippy caviar

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drippy caviar
drippy caviar

This isn't expensive because it tastes better than the nuggets -- it's expensive because you have to eat way less of it to get the same effect as the nuggets.

Type: food (drippy)
Size: 5
Cannot be discarded
Only one may be consumed per day

Puts 5 μg of Drippy Juice into your blood

(In-game plural: drippy caviars)
View metadata
Item number: 10447
Description ID: 170861825
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Drip Institute
Drip Institute Cafeteria

When used

You eat the nasty caviar using a tiny fancy spoon. Each tiny egg is a miniature explosion of nausea in your mouth.
AdventuresYou gain 5 Adventures.
(You gain 5 Fullness.)


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