Furry skirt
From TheKolWiki
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Awww, how cute… a furry little skirt with a furry little fox-tail sewn into the back. If you wear this, you’re sure to look like a sexy anthropomorphic forest creature. Or, y’know, a total dork. But that’s the risk you take. And every risk you take, we’ll be watching you. (In-game plural: furry skirts) |
skirt / kilt kit | furry fur | |
furry skirt |
- This item can only be smithed by female characters. Male characters instead create a furry kilt.
- The description ends with adapted lyrics from the song "Every Breath You Take" by the The Police, "Every step you take / I'll be watching you".
See Also
"1286" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.