Kentucky-fried meat crossbow

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Kentucky-fried meat crossbow
Kentucky-fried meat crossbow

This is a crossbow infused with a secret blend of herbs and spices. Mmmmm.

(Meatsmithing component)
Type: ranged weapon (2-handed crossbow)
Damage: 7 - 14
Moxie Required: 20
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

Moxie +5

(In-game plural: Kentucky-fried meat crossbows)
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Item number: 229
Description ID: 115544265
View in-game: view
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Hammer.gif sinewy crossbow string dense meat stack Ezcook.gif spices herbs
Hammer.gif dense meat crossbow secret blend of herbs and spices
Equals.gif Kentucky-fried meat crossbow



  • Was +7 Moxie until approximately 2005/12/29.


  • The KFC restaurant chain advertises that their Kentucky Fried Chicken is seasoned with "a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices", which is a source of many references within the game.

See Also


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