Knob Goblin BBQ

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The apron requires you to be aware of your torso, right?

Knob Goblin BBQ
Knob Goblin BBQ

As you near Cobb's Knob, you smell something familiar. Following your nose, you reach a clearing in which several Knob Goblins appear to be having a barbecue.

You hide in some nearby shrubbery, plotting your next move.

Kiss the chef

You pucker up and approach the Knob Goblin Chef, but he sees you coming, produces a bottle of magical lighter fluid and squirts it onto the grill.

Blue flames billow from the grill, scorching you.

HPYou lose 2 hit points. (hot damage)

You pucker up and approach the Knob Goblin Chef, but he sees you coming, produces a bottle of magical lighter fluid and squirts it onto the grill.

Blue flames billow from the grill, scorching you. Luckily, they also scorch the novelty candles on Claude's birthday cake, which continue burning after the blue flames dissipate.

Cake3.gifYou acquire an item: lit birthday cake
HPYou lose 2 hit points. (hot damage)

Kick the chef

Wailing "Like a banshee! Like a banshee!" over and over, you charge the chef, and get all up in his grill. Figuratively.

Knob Goblin Barbecue Team This monster is a Goblin -- (edit metadata)
Kg bbqteam.gif

Abscond with some goodies

Like a thief in the late afternoon, you creep into the midst of the barbecue and steal the first object you lay your eyes on.

Ccheese.gifYou acquire an item: bowl of cottage cheese
Pants.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin pants
Tongs.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin tongs
Apron.gifYou acquire an item: Kiss the Knob apron

Occurs at Outskirts of Cobb's Knob.