Overdone flame-broiled meat blob

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Overdone flame-broiled meat blob
Monster ID 282
Locations The Haunted Pantry
Hit Points 2
Attack 4
Defense 1
No-Hit 14
Initiative 60
Meat 16-24
Phylum slime
Elements hot
Resistance None
Monster Parts pseudopod
meat paste, meat paste, meat paste
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
overdone flame-broiled meat blob You're fighting an overdone flame-broiled meat blob

You are suddenly ambushed by a giant char-grilled meat blob. It bobs up and down menacingly, a blackened hulk of semi-charcoal out for vengeance. It isn't rare to encounter these things, and it'd be well done of you to get rid of it.

Hit Message(s):

It summons two demons - one looks like a large beverage, the other some levitating, bearded carton of french fries - and they lay the smack down. Ow! (hot damage)

It spatters you with hot fat. It's like that one time you cooked bacon in the nude. You in the nude, that is. Not the bacon. Oof! (hot damage)

Critical Hit Message:

It engulfs you in meaty hotness -- umm... this isn't going to go anywhere good. You're going to start snickering, and then I'm going to get angry. Let's just say it hits you really, really hard. Ooh! (hot damage)

Miss Message(s):

It assaults you with a barrage of non-sequitur stoner humor. You're confused, but unhurt.

It tries to spatter you with hot fat, but you nimbly leap aside.

Fumble Message:

It starts to engulf you in meaty hotness, but you grab the... never mind. This isn't going anywhere good. Let's just say it was about to hit you, and then something happened and it failed. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Meat.gifYou gain 16-24 Meat (average: 20, stdev: 2)*
Wad.gifYou acquire an item: meat paste (59.2% chance)*
Wad.gifYou acquire an item: meat paste (59.2% chance)*
Wad.gifYou acquire an item: meat paste (59.2% chance)*
You gain 1 <substat>.

Occurs at The Haunted Pantry.



  • The combat text describing the beverage and french fries gives this monster a resemblance to "Meatwad" from the cartoon Aqua Teen Hunger Force, who lives with Master Shake (a beverage) and Frylock (a carton of french fries).
  • The attack message which mentions "non-sequitur stoner humor" probably refers to how bizarrely absurd Aqua Teen Hunger Force can be.