Projectile icemaker

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projectile icemaker
projectile icemaker

This is like your basic hotel ice-machine, but more portable, and with that little extra oomph necessary to fire a hunk of ice through the torsos of your enemies. It rips the crap out of those little plastic ice-buckets, though.

Type: ranged weapon (2-handed crossbow)
Damage: 13 - 25
Moxie Required: 45
Selling Price: 130 Meat.

Moxie +7
Spell Damage +7
+5 Cold Damage

(In-game plural: projectile icemakers)
View metadata
Item number: 1739
Description ID: 223274737
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Club.gif dense meat stack linoleum ore  
Club.gif linoleum meat stack sinewy crossbow string  
Club.gif linoleum crossbow cold nuggets
Equals.gif projectile icemaker

See Also


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