Red Pill

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Red Pill
Red Pill

While this is a simple red pill, it seems to portend a series of increasingly ill-received movies.

Maybe you should find a blue one.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 42 Meat.
Effect: There is No Spoon (5 Adventures)

(In-game plural: Red Pills)
View metadata
Item number: 5058
Description ID: 700689696
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

April Fool's Day 2011
CDMoyer's butt
The Lost Pill Bottle (sometimes)

When Used

Good News! It's a suppository!
Slotspoon.gifYou acquire an effect: There is No Spoon
(duration: 5 Adventures)


  • The usage text refers to an episode of Futurama, where Professor Farnsworth repeatedly encourages everyone to use an oversized pill in the corresponding manner.
  • The series of increasingly ill-received movies is probably The Matrix and its "four hours of my life I want back" two sequels.


"5058" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.