Talk:Wall of bones

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Revision as of 18:50, 21 August 2021 by Philmasterplus (Talk | contribs) (New link?)

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How much damage it does

Fought 3 times at 454 HP, taking 3 hits then running away. Every fight the damage done on each round was the same, so it looks like it's completely deterministic.

First hit: 46, Second hit: 137, Third hit: 227 --Darkcodelagsniper (talk) 17:56, 14 January 2015 (UTC)

New link?

Can we get a new link for the proof that the noncombat is rarer until you defeat the wall of meat? The current link to KoLSpading links to a potential malware page, not sure if the KoLS page is defunct or something. --Jimfromtx (talk) 18:24, 21 August 2021 (UTC)

  • KolSpading is likely gone. I checked both the Internet Archive and, but neither service has that particular thread. Looks like it has been lost to the sands of time. --Philmasterplus (talk) 18:50, 21 August 2021 (UTC)