Tequila grenade

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tequila grenade
tequila grenade

This is a grenade full of shots of tequila. Since those shots are still in shot glasses, you can get an impressive amount of shrapnel out of it. The limes are also pretty sharp, and the salt is sure to get in your foe's wounds.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 150 Meat.

Deals 75-100 Physical Damage

(In-game plural: tequila grenades)
View metadata
Item number: 2068
Description ID: 468076558
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Battlefield (War Hippy Fatigues)
War Frat Elite Wartender
War Frat Wartender
The Orcish Frat House (Wartime) (2 quarters)
Recover the Lighthouse Keeper's Gunpowder (As a Frat Warrior) (0-3)

When Used

You pull the pin on the tequila grenade and fling it at your foe. It showers her with stinging alcohol, acrid lime juice, and sharp shards of glass, dealing 75-100 damage. Arriba!



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