Trainbot harness

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Trainbot harness
Trainbot harness

You're not sure what the Trainbot was using this for, but you're gonna use it as a backpack for storing elves.

Type: back item
Cannot be discarded

Combat Initiative -200%
Lets you rescue elves from passenger-occupied Crimbo train cars

(In-game plural: Trainbot harnesss)
View metadata
Item number: 11058
Description ID: 711380214
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Crimbo Train (Caboose)
Brake-Operating Trainbot


You grab a nearby elf, toss it into your backpack, and drop it off safely outside of the train.
Elfgrat.gif You've earned 1 Elf Gratitude.

See Also


"11058" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.