Vial of The Glistening

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vial of The Glistening
vial of The Glistening

This is a vial of psychic fat guy sweat. And I don't mean it's a vial of sweat from a psychic fat guy, I mean it's a vial of psychic sweat from a fat guy. Just don't tell the Big Wheelin' twins that it's actually their sweat glands that are psychic; it'd bum them out, and then they'd roll their tricycles over you.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 35 Meat.
Effect: The Glistening (15 Adventures)+20% Combat Initiative
Damage Reduction: 5

(In-game plural: vials of the Glistening)
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Item number: 6035
Description ID: 433931284
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Obtained From

Twin Peak
Big Wheelin' Twins

When Used

You splash yourself with the contents of the vial. It makes your brain snap, crackle, and pop. And it smells like sour bacon grease a little.
Blankoutglob.gifYou acquire an effect: The Glistening
(duration: 15 Adventures)


  • The effect has additional unlisted outcomes and phenomena when used in A-boo Peak. See its page for more details.


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